So the game has been out for a while now and the last major patch was the Easter Event update, while the latest patch was in September.
I haven't been updating the game a whole lot recently for several reasons.
1.) The game is quite complicated to update nowadays. Originally back in August 2015, I spent extra time coding the game to ensure adding new content would be as easy as possible. However after finishing Battlegrounds, which is about 5 steps up coding wise compared to this game. I realised it could be made easier.
2.) The game doesn't currently generate a lot of traffic. Even while being advertised, it barely reached 100 players which isn't a whole lot compared with the amount of hours I put into the game updating it. Although this could be fixed after the revamp, making the game appeal to wider audience.
3.) The game always ran slightly slow, but for some reason it's even worse now. Not sure why it's happening, it was either due to the new saving system slowing everyone down or after a Roblox update and I need to go back and change something. But it does run slowly, making it impossible to add new content until that's fixed and it also makes it hard to test the game.
4.) Other projects need attention too. I also have other projects I'm working on at the moment, some of which could also do with updating the way they are coded.
I've probably missed a few things but that's in short why the game hasn't been updated in while.
It does not mean I'll won't update the game in the future, in fact I've been working on it in the background silently, updating bits of code here and there.
In short the game needs a complete overhaul, not just in terms of its coding but also it's gameplay mechanics. They simply don't appeal to mass playerbase, rounds are too short and it can take up to 10 minutes to play as a survivor (most people prefer this) again, only to be eaten 1 minute into the next round where you have to wait 10 minutes again.
Aside from that there are many other annoyances which turn new players away from the game, and to ensure more people will play the game in the future, some things will have to change.
What's being changed first:
Aside from the re-coding going on the background. Here's the first design decision I'll be making, feel free to let me know what you think in the comments here, on the group wall, or by sending me a PM.
New players do not like the hide and seek part of the game, I've seen people straight up just leave because they don't get to fight anyone. I'll need to change the game in one of three ways:
1.) Larger player count (after optimisation).
Pros: Maps become more full, removing the issue of players not finding anyone. More hectic and fun, as well as more action.
Cons: Even after optimisation, more players = more lag (although much less than there is now). If the game isn't busy filling those servers can be tough. Hide and seek can still happen.
2.) Smaller maps and potentially smaller player count.
Pros: Hide and seek aspect is reduced, more action potentially. Shorter rounds (players can be human and play more often). Less players would reduce the lag in-game.
Cons: Have to spend time reducing map sizes, less players could be less fun.
3.) Permanent tracker (like most games do it). Aside from the items that temporarily make you invisible, you will always have hunter instincts on you set to true, so Zombies can see you where ever you are on the map.
Pros: Zombies never get lost, they always have a rough idea on where to go. Can keep map size and player count the same (although we can still increase it). Potential for faster rounds and more action as Zombies know where to go. Hide and seek eliminated.
Cons: No hide and seek? Some people liked this. Invisible items would need more coding to accommodate this change. Tagger Zombie becomes useless and would probably just get removed. Hunter Instincts ability becomes useless. Lots of current players won't like it. (But it would balance the game better).
Whichever one is chosen will be the direction I'll be taking the game in, and will be re-designing and balancing it to work with those aspects. Whether that be smaller maps, less players, more players, or never hidden players the game will continue to improve from there.