Monday, March 28, 2016

Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.004]

Patch 2.9.004:

  • Armour that changes speed now correctly displays the +/- speed amount in the tooltip.

  • Whiplash Zombie grapple reload time increased from 1 second to 4 seconds.
  • Sludge Trap Zombie item duration reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds (now same as related human items).
  • All Candy health potion items health amount reduced from 100 to 60 HP healed.
  • Gravity Zombie super jump cooldown decreased from 25 seconds to 15 seconds.
  • Overdrive Gravity Zombie no longer has bonus jump. Now reduces the superjump cooldown from 15 seconds to 5.
  • Sludge Puddle cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 15 seconds.
  • Sludge Pool cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
  • Aerial Zombie, Fast Zombie, Bullet Zombie, Mini Bomber, Egg Bomber, Eggling Zombie and ??? can no longer collect eggs.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.003]

Patch 2.9.003:


  • Fixed egg drops not being able to be collected.

  • Fixed the EggSpawn items from not being deleted from the workspace at the end of the round.
  • Made this change apply to WormNests as well.
  • If you spawn an Egg with the Egg Zombie and then switch to another Zombie that can utilise these spawn points, you will automatically prioritise spawns you've created yourself.
  • Changed the weight of all the parts in the Heavy's Minigun to reduce the slower turning speed while equipped.
  • Changed the code in the Heavy's minigun to check for the other set items on equip instead of on given, previously this lead to a problem where you selected the tool before it had a chance to check for the other set items leading to no bonuses being given.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.001 and patch 2.9.002]

Patch 2.9.001:


  • Fixed naming error on the Easter Blunderbuss.
  • Fixed missing GUI on the Eggonator.
  • Fixed Zombie Gui erroring.
  • Fixed Equalizer Zombie model from not having bones.
  • Fixed Equalizer Zombie code from breaking.
  • Added new particle effect to Awe Egg.
  • Easter Bunny now actually spawns a Bunny instead of a ghost.
  • Easter Bunny displays the correct HP amount.
  • Egg Zombie now can spawn an egg correctly.


  • Eggonator egg duration now 15 seconds down from 25.
  • Removed FPS Head, Torso and Legs.
  • Camera is no longer pushed forward.
  • This means you can no longer shoot through walls.

Patch 2.9.002:

  • Fixed Egg drops on kill. You can now pick these up without any issues.
  • Fixed all Egg Zombies from not teleporting to an egg on death.
  • Fixed Lava Resist armour not appearing on your character.

  • Snow Chugga is now immune to all Freeze items.
  • Rare egg spawns: Are now only randomly chosen from a list of all the eggs. Instead of this, and requiring a 1/100 chance. So you should see these more often.
  • Magma and Ash Zombies are now immune to all Burn items.
  • Rare items cannot fail if collected by a Zombie.
  • Zombie's now get a 8/10 chance to succeed and a 2/10 chance to fail a collect. Up from 7/10 to succeed, 2/10 to vanish and 1/10 to fail. Event items picked up from kills don't fail.
  • Collection fail changes: Now reduces your current health by half, instead of your max health meaning it can't kill you.
  • Eggonator: Now requires 500 damage up from 450. Duration reduced from 15 seconds down to 10.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.000]

Outbreak Survival Easter Event update!

First of all let's give CarterTheHippo a round of applause for managing to create a new map for every new update since the Winter Event! He also has a new map for the Easter Event, but it's not ready yet. Outbreak Survival has also managed to push out a new major content patch every month, and in some cases more frequently like the Valentine's update. This is also quite the occasion, it is the first time Outbreak Survival has managed to host an Easter event, and as usual there is lots of new content available.

The Easter event includes: 4 New Zombie classes, 8 new items, bug fixes, 3 new pets, balance changes, one new map, event spawns, and more!

The new event currency is Eggs. Find Eggs randomly spawned on all maps (except Oil Works), maybe if you're lucky you might find a rare Egg!

Rarer Eggs have a low percent chance to spawn, however they can contain Points, items, pets and other rewards!

Here are all the rare eggs you can obtain:

Blue Fabergé Egg: Grants the Blue Fabergé Egg pet once collected.

Gyax Egg: This egg gives a small amount of Points once collected.

Charles Babbage Egg: Gives you a substantial amount of Points once collected.

Cracked Egg: Grants the Cracked Egg pet.

Royal Fabergé Egg: Grants the Red Dragon pet.

Wanwood Egg: Once collected you'll get the legendary Staff of the Woodlands for free!

Golden Egg: Very rare allows you to get the ??? Zombie class for free. ??? class will be revealed and put on sale later during the event.

Patch notes:

Patch 2.9.000

New game icon, gallery image, advert.

New community art corner!

New items:
  • Egg Pistol
  • Egg Blunderbuss
  • Egg MP5
  • Egg Launcher
  • Eggonator
  • Awe Egg
  • Easter Bunny
  • Staff of the Woodlands

New Zombies:
  • Egg Zombie: Can place an egg. If you respawn as an Egg Zombie you will teleport to the location of your egg. Egg can be destroyed.
  • Eggling Zombie: Can teleport to any active egg on the map. If there is more than one egg, then the location is randomised.
  • Equalizer Zombie: Fairly weak stage 3 class. Gets stronger as the stages tick on and if the humans to zombies ratio is high.
  • ???: ???
New GUI's:

  • Obtained GUI: This will appear whenever you have been given an item in-game or redeem a code.
New status GUI's:
  • Egged.
Item changes:
  • Heavy's Minigun now has a new accurate model made by Warren2997!

Balance changes:

  • Bonus damage removed for all Bomber types. (In the future Defence will be split into two attributes, one to counter physical and another explosive attacks).
  • Snow Chugga's no longer get Frozen by ice mines or ice based items.
  • Breaker Zombie's ground slam attack damage increased to 35 up from 30. Will now disable jumping for 3 seconds if hit. Shockwave damage increased to 12 up from 8.
  • Anti-Armour Zombie now Stage 3. Health reduced from 150 to 140.
  • Rage Shotgun: Requirement to activate has been increased.

  • Bolt-On Town removed from the map rotation.
  • Builder Town removed from the map rotation.
  • Added Eggs to PowerOut.
  • Added Eggs to Toxic Spill.
  • Added Eggs to Castle Town.
  • Added Eggs to Communal Town.
  • Added Eggs to 75th Street.
  • Added Eggs to Autumn Wind.
  • All event maps have a x2 chance of spawning.
  • Voltrix Base and Final Stand have been dropped to x2.
  • Oil Works and Whiteout being the only maps without drops have been set to x1.

Code changes:
  • Made some adjustments to the save and load module. Hopefully improved against data loss.
Bug fixes:
  • All items that use the rage mechanic will now have the meter bar correctly display when full.
  • Both spin-up miniguns will now return you to the correct speed.
  • Snipers now account for being slowed down.
  • Cooling Water only heals +10 HP if there is no Burn DoT present.
  • Fixed Health Potions from occasionally not removing the red healing debuff lines.



  • The Zombie GUI now has 33% less decal images meaning faster loading times.

  • Event spawn code more efficient and doesn't require a new script inside each map.
  • Music player code, now doesn't run off of another while loop. It now uses the same loop the game runs off of.

  • The Freeze script (not effect) remains in the character for an additional 2 seconds, allowing for a global 2 second grace period.
Zombie attack:
  • New property added. This property, if enabled stops the buildup of any combo hits if the target is under the effect of that Zombie's special attack. (E.g, If a Magma Zombie has placed a DoT on a player, hitting that player will not build up any charge for the next DoT).
  • This property currently only applies to the Snow Chugga Zombie.
Patch 2.9.001:

Fixed naming error on the Easter Blunderbuss.
Fixed missing GUI on the Eggonator.
Fixed Zombie Gui erroring.
Fixed Equalizer Zombie model from not having bones.
Fixed Equalizer Zombie code from breaking.
Added new particle effect to Awe Egg.

Easter Bunny now actually spawns a Bunny instead of a ghost.
Easter Bunny displays the correct HP amount.

Egg Zombie now can spawn an egg correctly.

Eggonator egg duration now 15 seconds down from 25.
Removed FPS Head, Torso and Legs.
Camera is no longer pushed forward.
This means you can no longer shoot through walls.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Outbreak Survival What's next.

So the Winter Event is over. After two and a bit months of being able to collect presents, we finally return to a normal game void of present hunting and people asking "what do i do with presents" and "how do i open present".

So what happens now? Well, the Final Stand update replaces both the Winter Event and Valentine's update for content. (Although the Valentine's update items will still be for sale for a while).

Next update will be an Easter event (celebration for the first Easter event in Outbreak Survival!) where you will be able to collect Eggs in various maps and trade them in for items much like the current events.

This event won't last 2.5 months however, so Eggs will probably be slightly easier to obtain.

So this event is confirmed for 2.9. But what about 3.0 and beyond?

Last year (during April) the 2.1 update was released for the game. This update added a huge amount of changes, including the class unlock system, armour system, new inventory GUI, a large variety of maps, an actually working game, v5.0 weapons. But the vision for the game didn't stop there.

Like the 2.1 update, the 3.0 update will have a lot of new features drastically improving gameplay experience.

Here is a short list of core features that you can expect in the 3.0 update. However keep in-mind that this list may change, and some thing may be released earlier.

Improved Zombie selection screen: 

Taking the best bits from the current menu and merging them together with the more robust Pet Selection Menu and Plants vs Zombies Battlegrounds 3.0 class GUI, this new interface will have all the important buttons and features present on one page. Which means it won't take ages to select items to buy and will make them more noticeable for players to select.

It will also better accommodate the ever growing list of Zombies, and will be able to automatically add new Zombies and put them in the right order whenever a new one is made. (You may have noticed how in the Unlocks tab, the various stages are all over the place).

New rewards system:

It's important for players to feel like they are getting rewarded enough for their actions. Currently the Points for kills system is flawed. This was somewhat fixed when assists came along, but a kill can easily be given for dealing the killing blow on an enemy. But even if you got the kill, someone else could have done 90% of the work in damaging that enemy but only got an assist or nothing at all.

This new system will replace Points for kills and assists and replace it with Points for Damage Done. What this means is, every bit of damage you deal to a Zombie will help grant you Points. This system does however come with it's own flaws. The amount people will earn will be higher since you can damage the same player multiple times, while they can go away and heal. Another problem could arise with farming, it's a lot easier to farm damage done than kills because players can run and heal, let you deal damage then run back again.

To combat this a few hidden requirements will be put in place, as well as making the Damage Done to Points only affect the amount you earn in a small way. The majority of Points earned will be through the new Chest system.

The new Chest system, will allow players to gain higher ranked chests based upon performance. If you lose you will still get a Bronze Chest, but you can increase the Rank of that chest if you did well during the round.

For example you might have been infected, but managed to pull off 3 survivor kills. That would get you a tier 2 chests granting more rewards than if you simply lost. [This is just an example and is not how it will be in the final version].

New 6.0 weapon system:

This will be tested in the new 3.0 update for Plants vs Zombies: Battlegrounds. So you might be able to try it out there before it comes to Outbreak Survival. This update adds a bunch of new statistics to weapons, allowing for greater customisation (by me) and improved performance along with many feature additions.

Such additions include the ability to have damage falloff and rampup, having an armour piercing property, allowing for tracer shots, easy addition of Q,E or any other keybinds and much more.

New Inventory:

Another Inventory revamp. The look and style will probably remain the same, but like the Zombie menu lots of new quality of life improvements will be added. Such features currently include better searching and sorting methods. Non-static inventory, where items you don't own will not be added to the GUI (so you don't end up with a whole wall of "LOCKED" items), ability to select skins for certain weapons and the ability to select a weapon by type. For example if there's an item called "Shotgun", you can select from a list to either equip the "Starter", or "Basic" variant.

Item statistics and price changes will also occur in this update. Most of the weapons will also become more powerful as a result. More on that later.

Better maps:

Some of the "Legacy" maps will remain in the rotation due to being classics (e.g Communal Town), whereas some are less favoured by players. The current maps that are scheduled for revamps or removal are: Bolt-On Town and Oil Works. Some of the map mechanics for these are actually quite interesting and could be used again, or just fleshed out more in their current state.

Oil Works is unique because it uses a lot of water and forces players to walk along specific paths. But because it's mostly community built, not all of the models were made to be 100% compatible. What I mean by this is, there aren't many thought out areas where survivors can go to defend against zombies. Or many alternate routes zombies can take to get to camping survivors.

Bolt-On Town has had many changes to make it better, and in some ways it is. The underwater flooded area is unique, and it's the only map where the survivors start underground and have to fight their way to the surface. But like Oil Works (and actually considerably worse), it has model issues where most of them don't exactly fit and allow for surviving. Most people walk around the middle on the road or head to the one building that's more newly built. (Carter's).

Oil Works might get revamped, but Bolt-On Town is definitely being retired. Expanded XL hasn't returned yet, since many players have problems with secrets and that map has a ton. The map is also way too large and open for the current game, and causes a problem where players have to play hide and seek before actually being able to battle humans or zombies. As a side note the map could work as a special 30-50 player version of the game.

The 3.0 update will be worked on after the Easter event, this might mean no major update for April, but it will be well worth the wait.