Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Outbreak Survival 3.0 / 2017 Update Cycle

So you're probably wondering why there wasn't any content updates for Outbreak Survival for a while.

Although here was the annual Halloween and Winter Events, they didn't add anything new and only served bring back the previous years content. The last new update was actually the Easter Event.

Truth be told, I've just been way too busy lately with coursework and other projects. It's not that I didn't want to update the game, or that I was abandoning it. But other things took priority. Especially during the Summer and Autumn months where I was hired to work on other people's games.

However now things are stating to get back to normal for a while. There's some free time to work on the game while I'm on break. Here I'll be sharing with you what I'm going to be working on, the state of the game and what's needed before I can start to make actual content updates again.

As you have probably noticed, the game doesn't run that well anymore. It's a mixture between neglect, Roblox updates and sub-optimal coding. The game has also had saving issues for some players which isn't good.

  • So first things first we will be working on updating the games code. ALL THE CODE.
  • First game update will have primarily the saving system updated, along with all game scripts that rely on this (which is a lot as the entire save structure will be different).
  • After that update I will be working on updating the rest of the games code to be cleaner, more efficient and easy to expand upon.
  • This will also include updating the weapon system to use my new 6.3 variant.
  • These combined updates could take anywhere between: 1-2 months.

At this point the game will be running well enough to have more people playing it, so adverts may run. The game will also be ported over in its current state to the legacy servers as all major changes that happen later on will drastically change how the game plays.

Next is the weapon update phase. Although by this point the game will be using the 6.3 weapon system, that is now actually over 6 months old and I think I can still do way better. So I will be working on a new 7.0 version which will be even more efficient, adaptable, and most importantly handle bullet physics in an optimal way.

For reference PvZ:Battlegrounds uses the 6.0 version which has the new code to enable the easy creation and updating of new weapon types. It can also enable bullet ray tracers.

6.1 could account for MuzzleFlashes and 6.2 allowed for the weapon to fire actual bullet rounds, where the bullet had travel time and would damage the player instead. The 6.2 version was scrapped after not working correctly and slowing the test server down. (It used raycast inefficiently to create the bullets).

The 6.3 version uses BodyVelocity properties to create bullets which isn't ideal, but a nice temporary solution (thanks ShiNumNumi for the code). To sum that up:

  • A new 7.0 Weapon system will be created.
  • All in-game weapons will be updated to work with the 7.0 Weapon system.
  • Weapons will have minor balance changes to make sure they function how they used to when using the old system.
  • Estimated time: Two - three weeks.
After that it's time for major game item, weapon and zombie balance changes. Here I'll be going through all the in-game stuff, changing stats, abilities, prices, and even in cases flat out removing certain things.

  • Class changes.
  • Item changes.
  • Armour changes.
  • Weapon changes.
  • Estimated time: Two - four weeks.

From here it will be time to introduce some new maps, replace any outdated maps (or revamp them) edit any current maps to fit with the new gameplay and redesign the lobby to be easier and more intuitive to use.

  • New maps.
  • Map updates.
  • Map retirements.
  • Estimated time: One - three weeks.
The UI is also in need of an update to be more modern and streamlined. As well as making it work with controllers

  • Character UI updates.
  • Inventory / Shop / Zombie UI updates.
  • Item / Ability UI updates.
  • Estimated time: One - three weeks.
Finally we can then start to think about introducing new game modes, new Zombie classes, more weapons, character and weapon skins, plus any other important features you guys would want such as map voting and bonus rounds.

Oh and somewhere in there we can throw in fixing and updating the Daily Quest system to work better and be easier to track / complete quests. (Will be done during the save system update).

I think that covers everything. If there's anything else I'll edit this with more information, what this doesn't include is the final polish update which would introduce better animations for the Zombies, custom animations for different weapon types, more sound effects and particles. But that can be talked about at a later date.

When stuff is completed I'll create a new post with a list of in-progress and completed features.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter to stay up-to-date with any updates, as I'll be posting a lot of videos, pictures and other things to do with the game.

    Monday, October 3, 2016

    Outbreak Survival Eerie Halloween Event 5

    Turns out it wasn't too difficult to re-enable the previous event maps and event spawn system.

    So here we are, the fifth annual Halloween Event for Outbreak Survival will be enabled soon. All 3 event maps will return: Xolbor Invasion, Eerie Halloween and Halloween Realm. The Eerie Halloween map has also been updated to include all of the new stuff Autumn Wind received over the past year.

    All previous weapons and pets can be bought for Pumpkins again, the event will be launched this Thursday and will be turned off November 1st.

    Pumpkins will spawn on event maps only, event maps have a x3 chance of appearing. All other maps will be disabled with the exception of Final Stand, Voltrix Base and TownsVille which will remain in the rotation on a x1 chance of being chosen.

    The game requires 8 players for Pumpkins to spawn.

    As for any game changes I'm still busy working on re-coding things, so sadly there isn't anything new to mention yet. I will however be testing the permanent human visibility system and see how players like it.

    An old Halloween code will also be re-enabled for new players to redeem.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2016

    Outbreak Survival - Redesign

    So the game has been out for a while now and the last major patch was the Easter Event update, while the latest patch was in September.

    I haven't been updating the game a whole lot recently for several reasons.

    1.) The game is quite complicated to update nowadays. Originally back in August 2015, I spent extra time coding the game to ensure adding new content would be as easy as possible. However after finishing Battlegrounds, which is about 5 steps up coding wise compared to this game. I realised it could be made easier.

    2.) The game doesn't currently generate a lot of traffic. Even while being advertised, it barely reached 100 players which isn't a whole lot compared with the amount of hours I put into the game updating it. Although this could be fixed after the revamp, making the game appeal to wider audience.

    3.)  The game always ran slightly slow, but for some reason it's even worse now. Not sure why it's happening, it was either due to the new saving system slowing everyone down or after a Roblox update and I need to go back and change something. But it does run slowly, making it impossible to add new content until that's fixed and it also makes it hard to test the game.

    4.) Other projects need attention too. I also have other projects I'm working on at the moment, some of which could also do with updating the way they are coded.

    I've probably missed a few things but that's in short why the game hasn't been updated in while.

    It does not mean I'll won't update the game in the future, in fact I've been working on it in the background silently, updating bits of code here and there.

    In short the game needs a complete overhaul, not just in terms of its coding but also it's gameplay mechanics. They simply don't appeal to mass playerbase, rounds are too short and it can take up to 10 minutes to play as a survivor (most people prefer this) again, only to be eaten 1 minute into the next round where you have to wait 10 minutes again.

    Aside from that there are many other annoyances which turn new players away from the game, and to ensure more people will play the game in the future, some things will have to change.

    What's being changed first:

    Aside from the re-coding going on the background. Here's the first design decision I'll be making, feel free to let me know what you think in the comments here, on the group wall, or by sending me a PM.

    New players do not like the hide and seek part of the game, I've seen people straight up just leave because they don't get to fight anyone. I'll need to change the game in one of three ways:

    1.) Larger player count (after optimisation).

    Pros: Maps become more full, removing the issue of players not finding anyone. More hectic and fun, as well as more action.
    Cons: Even after optimisation, more players = more lag (although much less than there is now). If the game isn't busy filling those servers can be tough. Hide and seek can still happen.

    2.) Smaller maps and potentially smaller player count.

    Pros: Hide and seek aspect is reduced, more action potentially. Shorter rounds (players can be human and play more often). Less players would reduce the lag in-game.
    Cons: Have to spend time reducing map sizes, less players could be less fun.

    3.) Permanent tracker (like most games do it). Aside from the items that temporarily make you invisible, you will always have hunter instincts on you set to true, so Zombies can see you where ever you are on the map.

    Pros: Zombies never get lost, they always have a rough idea on where to go. Can keep map size and player count the same (although we can still increase it). Potential for faster rounds and more action as Zombies know where to go. Hide and seek eliminated.
    Cons: No hide and seek? Some people liked this. Invisible items would need more coding to accommodate this change. Tagger Zombie becomes useless and would probably just get removed. Hunter Instincts ability becomes useless. Lots of current players won't like it. (But it would balance the game better).

    Whichever one is chosen will be the direction I'll be taking the game in, and will be re-designing and balancing it to work with those aspects. Whether that be smaller maps, less players, more players, or never hidden players the game will continue to improve from there.

    Friday, June 3, 2016

    Outbreak Survival [Patch 2.9.007]

    First update in quite a while.


    Moved all maps over to the Outbreak Survival group.
    Preparing to permanently move the game place to the group.

    Re-enabled basic launcher. I won't get round to changing how this item works, so might as well enable it again.

    Conveyor belts are no longer local and do not require while true do loops to run anymore.

    New updateAsync function to handle all table values, let me know if stats are still not saving after this.

    Removed the hosting Easter Event message.


    Enabled the grapple hook to actually allow you to cancel it. Apparently this was never enabled, pressing Q will now correctly destroy your current grapple rope. (Whiplash Zombie).

    Edited the saving code to use Plants vs Zombies:Battlegrounds version. Hopefully this will stop people randomly losing data.

    Edited all modules to allow the group to use them.

    Sunday, May 22, 2016

    Outbreak Survival 3.0 + Legacy versions

    The Outbreak Survival 3.0 update will start development soon. But the final product will be vastly different from what everyone is used to today. That is why I'm proudly introducing "Legacy Servers" for people to play on.

    Legacy Servers will house older versions of Outbreak Survival, so you'll only need to grab a few friends to play on them.

    The following Legacy Servers will exist and be housed under the Outbreak Survival Group:

    • Outbreak Survival 2.9
    • Outbreak Survival 2.2
    • Outbreak Survival 1.0
    Each version will differ slightly, with 1.0 being the very first version with a few changes.

    An update to the current 2.9 game server will occur before cementing it as a legacy server. The upcoming 2.9 update will introduce the new weapon system (without the bullet trails) and will have any outstanding bug fixes, which includes people's saves magically vanishing.

    Let's go through the list one by one.

    Outbreak Survival 2.9:

    In this version you'll have everything that's in the current version of the game. Including some new community maps such as Safety First, Abandoned Castle and others.

    In this version there will also be a vote system in the lobby to change the map rotation types. Map rotation types are as follow:
    • Normal - All standard maps
    • Event - All event maps (no drops of course)
    • EventHalloween - All maps with Halloween drops only.
    • EventWinter - All maps with Winter drops only.
    • EventEaster - All maps with Easter drops only.
    • Silly - All silly maps will be enabled (Baseplate, and hoshpup's first map), along with some other maps having a higher spawn chance (Safety First for the fails, Voltrix Base for the lava).
    When an event rotation is chosen, all drops will be enabled for players to collect. Drops are enabled with 2+ players instead of the usual 8. All event shops will be added to the lobby.

    Outbreak Survival 2.2:

    Same coding as the current game, but will have most Zombies removed that came after 2.2 and will include all maps that came before and including PowerOut. Only the new version of PowerOut will be used. The map list should be (if I remember correctly): Oil Works, Bolt-On Town, Communal Town, Expanded XL, 75th Street, Autumn Wind, PowerOut, Toxic Spill. 

    Only new versions of the maps will be used.

    Outbreak Survival 1.0

    While it won't truly be the old version, it will be simplified. The Zombie selection menu will be reduced to only original Zombies. Zombies will be made to be tougher (like the original) weapons will hit harder (like the original) and the old 18 items will return. (7 Basic, 6 Assault, 6 Heavy and 6 Elite items). Darkheart and Venomshank will also be buyable, however not all VIP's will be usable. Only the ones that existed all those years ago. (Up until the 2nd stage sets which were the Wizard, Marauder, Sergeant Shooter and Medic).

    1.0 Didn't have armour, so it won't be added.

    1.0 Maps include Communal Town and Expanded XL. But an argument could be made for 75th Street and Autumn Wind since the former was the first map in Mini Edition and the latter is similar to the first Halloween Event.

    Each legacy game will have Points enabled, but you will start off with more in 2.9 to make up for the fact that data cannot be transferred between games.

    Additional changes:

    Currency will be buyable on most versions.

    2.2 will have the old lobby.

    1.0 won't have a lobby waiting system and will utilise the old item selection / buying GUI.

    Some GUI's will be purposefully different. In 1.0 the menu's and interface will be simplified.

    All weapons will be using the 6.0 weapon system, no matter the game version. Bullet trails or tracer rounds will be disabled on all to keep the classic look.

    All Zombies will use the 3.0 morph system and click to attack tool.

    It is impossible for me to transfer any data over, but the prices of items will be less (except on 2.9) than the originals.

    Development on the legacy versions will start in June.

    Maybe one day I'll do a "true" 1.0 server, with the old chat to switch classes, zombie's have to touch to damage instead of using a tool and the really old projectile weapons / gui's but probably not.

    Extra information:

    2.9 and 2.2 will both have the current weight system in-game.

    1.0 will still keep the weight units and limit, however all items will cost 2 weight allowing for 10 items of any type. VIP sets that are enabled in 1.0 can only be equipped as a "set", equipping a set will add all items to your player and will cost a set amount of weight. To prevent unwanted items, VP sets may have redundant items removed (potions), since those can just be equipped from the support store.

    Friday, April 8, 2016

    Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.006]

    Patch 2.9.006:

    Map updates for Voltrix Base, PowerOut, Final Stand, 75th Street, Safety First.

    New Beta map: Safety First by Warren2997

    • Ice mines and Crystal mines cannot be set off if the affected player is already trapped by the opposite mine type.
    • Updated this for Freezeonator item.
    • All health potions must now be drank for the full duration, even after reaching full HP.
    • Disguise Zombie is now a stealth class, meaning the pet is now invisible.
    • Updated Safety First with efficient CFrame movement code.
    • Updated Safety First by removing many unneeded unions.
    • Removed many unused soundtracks to speed up load times.
    • Added one of the April Fools soundtracks to the music pool.
    • Removed Human Heroic music 1 and replaced it with a new soundtrack.
    • Sandvich can now be used more than once.
    • Annoying output bug to do with Cookies has now been fixed.
    • Applied this fix to Sludge Trap, Jelly Pumpkin item, Eggonator and Jelly Pumpkin Launcher.
    • Applied a new update to the Jet Boots gear fixing the glitch where you could get stuck in the ceiling.
    • Fixed Bloat from not dealing any explosive damage.

    Saturday, April 2, 2016

    Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.005]

    Patch 2.9.005:

    Hope you enjoyed the April Fools day event! All April Fools day additions have been removed.

    These include:

    • PowerOut rename from PowerOut to PootisOut
    • hoshpup's first map.
    • Baseplate map.
    • Bolt-On Town.
    • Paper Regular Zombie.
    • CarterTheBagels amazing intro.
    • Lobby music.
    • TF2 Heavy song intro for certain maps.
    • Two new soundtracks used in these maps.
    • Voltrix Base is back.
    • Final Stand is back.
    • Carter's new map will now spawn 3x as often.
    Other changes:
    • Oil Works has been removed from the map rotation. This allows for Carter's new map to be played more often, and to test if this map fits in the game anymore. Currently it holds place for 2nd worst in terms of quality, with 1st being Bolt-On Town.
    • Equalizer Zombie does not gain any bonuses from the first three Humans.
    • Disguise Zombie no longer has custom Zombie animations, this allows for the disguise to not be slanted.
    • Disguise Zombie phone now turns invisible when activated.
    • Trap can now be triggered even when phone is not active.
    The Easter Event is still active and you will all be notified two weeks before the end date. (TBD)

    Now I'm going to take this opportunity to further discuss the 3.0 update for Outbreak Survival.

    Patch 2.9 will be the last major content patch until 3.0. Little to no progress is likely to be made during the exam period (April-June) and there's so much that needs to be done (full list here), it's likely going to take a while to release.

    This doesn't mean there won't be any important bug fixes or some balance changes though. In fact the period between now and 3.0 I'll be using as an opportunity to try out some of the more extreme changes, some may only last a short while, whereas others could be permanent if they work.

    I will be doing this to provide a solid test bed to make 3.0 as balanced as possible for both veteran and new players alike. If there's any changes you'd like to see or something you think would benefit the game feel free to post in the group.

    First list of balance changes (included in patch 2.9.005):

    Weapons (event):
    • Pumpkin Defender damage increased from 9 to 11, range decreased from 400 to 180, fire rate increased from 0.2 to 0.18, weight increased from 4 to 6.
    • All blunderbuss fire rates increased from 0.5 to 0.8.
    • Freeze Mine fire rate (deploy cooldown) reduced to 5. Freeze Mine fixed to only give 3 charges.
    • Ghost Burst Gun spare ammo increased to 720 up from 600, weight increased to 4.
    Weapons (starter):
    • Starter Sniper's weight reduced to 6 down from 8, headshot damage increased to 280 up from 250.
    Weapons (basic):
    • Basic Sniper's weight increased to 10 up from 6, headshot damage increased to 350 up from 280, spare ammo increased to 180 up from 120, reload time reduced to 5 down from 6.

    Weapons (VIP):
    • Crystal Mine's now have a 5 second deploy time. Crystal Mines are now 3 weight.
    • VIP Shotgun's damage reduced from 11 per pellet to 9 per pellet. (Missed patch note from April Fools update).
    • DC15A's Damage reduced to 16 down from 20.
    • Particle Cannon's fire rate increased from 0.24 to 0.25 (same as other AR's)
    • Space Marine Blaster damage reduced from 12 to 9 (still out DPS's Unpainted).
    • Arc Burst Gun spare ammo increased to 600 up from 480. Clip size increased to 15 up from 12.

    Remember these are highly experimental and could be reverted at any time.


    Friday, April 1, 2016

    Outbreak Survival: Patch 2.9.9001

    Patch 2.9.9001:


    CarterTheHippo is now a playable class! Soar through the air as a Hippo-Eagle-hybrid thing. Then wish you weren't half hippo because the wings can't take the weight... Now you're just a large-winged-but-useless-slower-than-normal-survivor and you stand out. Perfect for the Zombie apocalypse.

    KyrieTheWolf is now a playable class! Positives: You morph into a wolf. Negatives: You are actually a wolf. Now run along, you don't stand much chance against those Zombies.

    Shibbles has entered the arena! Equip your guardian Shibbles to gain +Shib. Shib deals x2 damage to everything around you if Shibbles is hit. Once Shibbles dies, he takes it personally and punches you through your screen dealing terrible terrible damage.

    Post 2.9.9001, gephiltacool is now in charge of all updates and has to make EVERYTHING he posts within a week. (gephiltacool's updates will only last a week, meaning all items, zombies, maps permanently get deleted)

    When zx56 appears in the server he will randomly spawn a horde of up to 6 random Zombies. The Zombies spawned are any that he's created, even ones that aren't in the game yet!

    NEW GAME MODE!!!!!!111!!one!!!1!eleven!!

    • Zombie attack. You must attack the Survivors that are trying to survive for 10 minutes. Infect all survivors to win the round.

    Basic items removed. Replaced with more Starter items.

    VIP and Weapon Set items replaced with Ordinary Person items.

    Replaced the name Outbreak Survival with Lulbrake Survivlez to get a better response from our narb + guest audience.

    New maps!
    • TownsVille! - By CarterTheHippo.
    • hoshpup's first map! - A 2007 classic!
    • Baseplate! - This map took the most work to create out of all the maps ever.

    New classes!

    • Disguise Zombie. Hide yourself as a collectible event item if an event it in play, if not you will become a paint bucket. On touched you will break out of the egg gaining extra speed and dealing 15 damage to the human. Manual de-cloaking will also provide the speed boost, but no instant damage. - Original concept idea by gephiltacool
    • Eggling Bomber: Free for those who collected the Golden Egg. Costs a lot of Eggs to buy, can spawn from Egg Spawn points. So team up with Egg Zombies!
    • Aerial Bomber: Fly high into the sky and divebomb enemies below. Can spawn with a tactical nuke guaranteeing at least one fried human.
    • Sludginator Zombie: On attack hit, get sludged. On Zombie touch, get sludged. On seeing this Zombie, get sludged. On spawn everyone gets sludged. Free sludge.

    More community artwork!


    Map changes:
    • Toxic Spill: Periodically spawns Aerial Bombers every 20 seconds from each toxic water brick.
    • PowerOut. The power is actually out. Map is now pitch black and survivors must use torches. Zombies can see in the dark for some reason.
    • Oil Spill. There are actual oil spillages around the map. Have fun tripping.
    • Communal Town. Now actually has a community... OF ZOMBIES! + Bonus Zombies per Zombie.
    • Bolt-On Town: Is back! And better than ever! Now has every town ever made bolted onto it. Cool huh?
    • 75th Street. Can now take the train to 76th Street!
    • Autumn Wind. Added wind.
    • Xolbor Invasion! Is back early because why not?
    • Halloween Realm. Is open due to Xolbors again...
    • Builder Town. Ducky Pirate got lonely, so he set sail to Builder Town! In the Spring... THE SNOW HAS MELTED! (And the hypothermia inducing water is now actually quite nice to swim in) [Water no longer kills].
    • Voltrix Base. This Volcano has gone off so many times I'm willing to believe it's fake. Wait. Hold on, I should check.
    • Updated Mall.
    • Moved Doom Lagoon sketches from bin to draw.
    • Yep I was right. Voltrix Base is not a REAL volcano. Explains why it erupts so often and how all the stuff magically appears again after being burnt. I knew that the Carter there was a fake, he was just trying to trick you into saving him!
    • Voltrix Base now correctly updated to reflect being burnt in lava. Volcano no longer active. Stuff inside all burnt and no longer present. No point playing on map. Map removed from the map rotation.
    • Added the Destructoid 9001 to Firebase Alpha.
    • Castle Town now has knights that defend the castle and attack Zombies. There are also catapults that can be used defensively.
    • Added Baseplate to the map rotation.
    • Final Stand map will now delete your progress if you lose. If you win the final stand you get to go home. You won. Yay.

    Map rotation changes:

    • Bolt-On Town added to the map rotation.
    • Final Stand temporarily disabled.
    • Voltrix Base temporarily disabled.
    • Baseplate added to the map rotation.
    • hoshpup's first map added to the map rotation.
    • CarterTheBagels new map added to the map rotation.

    Class changes:

    Survivor: Now more realistic and can only have two "active" weapons at one time. The rest get stored in your "backpack". It takes 20 seconds to take out an item from your bag, swap it with an active one and put the old one in your backpack. Must stand still while doing this.

    Regular Zombie buff.
    Because people have said this Zombie is too weak here are some much needed changes:
    • Swarm mechanic. This Zombie gains bonus damage and speed per nearby Zombie.
    • Horde. This Zombie spawns with 5 other AI Regular Zombies.
    • Overwhelm. On death this Zombie rallies a further 5 AI Regular Zombies.
    • Destroy. All  AI Zombies summon an additional AI Zombie if killed before the real Player controlled Regular Zombie.
    Shield Zombie:
    • Can block everything. In fact this Zombie is now a shield which can be used by other Zombies (or a survivor if it gets lucky).
    Equalizer Zombie:

    • Removed ratio mechanic. Now gets an extra +50 HP per human and +0.25 speed per human present. Dynamically scales, so these stats get removed when humans go down as well. Stats multiplied by x1 at stage 1-3, x1.5 at stage 4, x2 at stage 5 and x3 at stage 6. 
    • Damage increased from 8 to 9.
    • Health increased from 140 to 150.
    • Calculates stats on spawn as well.

    GUI Changes:

    • New pro intro by CarterTheBagel.
    New music thing

    Item changes:

    Million Robux item:
    • Now grants a small loan of a Million Robux, that is if you manage to successfully keep it until the end of the round.
    • Now weighs 20.
    • Can be stolen by other Humans.
    • Can be stolen and eaten or destroyed by other Zombies.
    Awe Star:
    • Nerfed. Probably sucks now.
    New stuff:
    • Bananas dropped on Zombie death. Don't step on them!

    Bug fixes:

    Fixed the glitch where Humans can win games.
    Fixed the glitch that stopped infected Humans staying infected forever after they die.
    Fixed the glitch where the "Win everything" button was disabled.
    Fixed the glitch that made it so you don't reset your stats every time you lose.
    Fixed the map from not being a map.
    Pulled the plug on BaronVonXolbor's bath. Now he's mad.
    Ducky Pirate ducks will now correctly rain from above after each kill.

    Monday, March 28, 2016

    Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.004]

    Patch 2.9.004:

    • Armour that changes speed now correctly displays the +/- speed amount in the tooltip.

    • Whiplash Zombie grapple reload time increased from 1 second to 4 seconds.
    • Sludge Trap Zombie item duration reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds (now same as related human items).
    • All Candy health potion items health amount reduced from 100 to 60 HP healed.
    • Gravity Zombie super jump cooldown decreased from 25 seconds to 15 seconds.
    • Overdrive Gravity Zombie no longer has bonus jump. Now reduces the superjump cooldown from 15 seconds to 5.
    • Sludge Puddle cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 15 seconds.
    • Sludge Pool cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
    • Aerial Zombie, Fast Zombie, Bullet Zombie, Mini Bomber, Egg Bomber, Eggling Zombie and ??? can no longer collect eggs.

    Saturday, March 26, 2016

    Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.003]

    Patch 2.9.003:


    • Fixed egg drops not being able to be collected.

    • Fixed the EggSpawn items from not being deleted from the workspace at the end of the round.
    • Made this change apply to WormNests as well.
    • If you spawn an Egg with the Egg Zombie and then switch to another Zombie that can utilise these spawn points, you will automatically prioritise spawns you've created yourself.
    • Changed the weight of all the parts in the Heavy's Minigun to reduce the slower turning speed while equipped.
    • Changed the code in the Heavy's minigun to check for the other set items on equip instead of on given, previously this lead to a problem where you selected the tool before it had a chance to check for the other set items leading to no bonuses being given.

    Monday, March 21, 2016

    Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.001 and patch 2.9.002]

    Patch 2.9.001:


    • Fixed naming error on the Easter Blunderbuss.
    • Fixed missing GUI on the Eggonator.
    • Fixed Zombie Gui erroring.
    • Fixed Equalizer Zombie model from not having bones.
    • Fixed Equalizer Zombie code from breaking.
    • Added new particle effect to Awe Egg.
    • Easter Bunny now actually spawns a Bunny instead of a ghost.
    • Easter Bunny displays the correct HP amount.
    • Egg Zombie now can spawn an egg correctly.


    • Eggonator egg duration now 15 seconds down from 25.
    • Removed FPS Head, Torso and Legs.
    • Camera is no longer pushed forward.
    • This means you can no longer shoot through walls.

    Patch 2.9.002:

    • Fixed Egg drops on kill. You can now pick these up without any issues.
    • Fixed all Egg Zombies from not teleporting to an egg on death.
    • Fixed Lava Resist armour not appearing on your character.

    • Snow Chugga is now immune to all Freeze items.
    • Rare egg spawns: Are now only randomly chosen from a list of all the eggs. Instead of this, and requiring a 1/100 chance. So you should see these more often.
    • Magma and Ash Zombies are now immune to all Burn items.
    • Rare items cannot fail if collected by a Zombie.
    • Zombie's now get a 8/10 chance to succeed and a 2/10 chance to fail a collect. Up from 7/10 to succeed, 2/10 to vanish and 1/10 to fail. Event items picked up from kills don't fail.
    • Collection fail changes: Now reduces your current health by half, instead of your max health meaning it can't kill you.
    • Eggonator: Now requires 500 damage up from 450. Duration reduced from 15 seconds down to 10.

    Saturday, March 19, 2016

    Outbreak Survival! [Easter Event update] [patch 2.9.000]

    Outbreak Survival Easter Event update!

    First of all let's give CarterTheHippo a round of applause for managing to create a new map for every new update since the Winter Event! He also has a new map for the Easter Event, but it's not ready yet. Outbreak Survival has also managed to push out a new major content patch every month, and in some cases more frequently like the Valentine's update. This is also quite the occasion, it is the first time Outbreak Survival has managed to host an Easter event, and as usual there is lots of new content available.

    The Easter event includes: 4 New Zombie classes, 8 new items, bug fixes, 3 new pets, balance changes, one new map, event spawns, and more!

    The new event currency is Eggs. Find Eggs randomly spawned on all maps (except Oil Works), maybe if you're lucky you might find a rare Egg!

    Rarer Eggs have a low percent chance to spawn, however they can contain Points, items, pets and other rewards!

    Here are all the rare eggs you can obtain:

    Blue Fabergé Egg: Grants the Blue Fabergé Egg pet once collected.

    Gyax Egg: This egg gives a small amount of Points once collected.

    Charles Babbage Egg: Gives you a substantial amount of Points once collected.

    Cracked Egg: Grants the Cracked Egg pet.

    Royal Fabergé Egg: Grants the Red Dragon pet.

    Wanwood Egg: Once collected you'll get the legendary Staff of the Woodlands for free!

    Golden Egg: Very rare allows you to get the ??? Zombie class for free. ??? class will be revealed and put on sale later during the event.

    Patch notes:

    Patch 2.9.000

    New game icon, gallery image, advert.

    New community art corner!

    New items:
    • Egg Pistol
    • Egg Blunderbuss
    • Egg MP5
    • Egg Launcher
    • Eggonator
    • Awe Egg
    • Easter Bunny
    • Staff of the Woodlands

    New Zombies:
    • Egg Zombie: Can place an egg. If you respawn as an Egg Zombie you will teleport to the location of your egg. Egg can be destroyed.
    • Eggling Zombie: Can teleport to any active egg on the map. If there is more than one egg, then the location is randomised.
    • Equalizer Zombie: Fairly weak stage 3 class. Gets stronger as the stages tick on and if the humans to zombies ratio is high.
    • ???: ???
    New GUI's:

    • Obtained GUI: This will appear whenever you have been given an item in-game or redeem a code.
    New status GUI's:
    • Egged.
    Item changes:
    • Heavy's Minigun now has a new accurate model made by Warren2997!

    Balance changes:

    • Bonus damage removed for all Bomber types. (In the future Defence will be split into two attributes, one to counter physical and another explosive attacks).
    • Snow Chugga's no longer get Frozen by ice mines or ice based items.
    • Breaker Zombie's ground slam attack damage increased to 35 up from 30. Will now disable jumping for 3 seconds if hit. Shockwave damage increased to 12 up from 8.
    • Anti-Armour Zombie now Stage 3. Health reduced from 150 to 140.
    • Rage Shotgun: Requirement to activate has been increased.

    • Bolt-On Town removed from the map rotation.
    • Builder Town removed from the map rotation.
    • Added Eggs to PowerOut.
    • Added Eggs to Toxic Spill.
    • Added Eggs to Castle Town.
    • Added Eggs to Communal Town.
    • Added Eggs to 75th Street.
    • Added Eggs to Autumn Wind.
    • All event maps have a x2 chance of spawning.
    • Voltrix Base and Final Stand have been dropped to x2.
    • Oil Works and Whiteout being the only maps without drops have been set to x1.

    Code changes:
    • Made some adjustments to the save and load module. Hopefully improved against data loss.
    Bug fixes:
    • All items that use the rage mechanic will now have the meter bar correctly display when full.
    • Both spin-up miniguns will now return you to the correct speed.
    • Snipers now account for being slowed down.
    • Cooling Water only heals +10 HP if there is no Burn DoT present.
    • Fixed Health Potions from occasionally not removing the red healing debuff lines.



    • The Zombie GUI now has 33% less decal images meaning faster loading times.

    • Event spawn code more efficient and doesn't require a new script inside each map.
    • Music player code, now doesn't run off of another while loop. It now uses the same loop the game runs off of.

    • The Freeze script (not effect) remains in the character for an additional 2 seconds, allowing for a global 2 second grace period.
    Zombie attack:
    • New property added. This property, if enabled stops the buildup of any combo hits if the target is under the effect of that Zombie's special attack. (E.g, If a Magma Zombie has placed a DoT on a player, hitting that player will not build up any charge for the next DoT).
    • This property currently only applies to the Snow Chugga Zombie.
    Patch 2.9.001:

    Fixed naming error on the Easter Blunderbuss.
    Fixed missing GUI on the Eggonator.
    Fixed Zombie Gui erroring.
    Fixed Equalizer Zombie model from not having bones.
    Fixed Equalizer Zombie code from breaking.
    Added new particle effect to Awe Egg.

    Easter Bunny now actually spawns a Bunny instead of a ghost.
    Easter Bunny displays the correct HP amount.

    Egg Zombie now can spawn an egg correctly.

    Eggonator egg duration now 15 seconds down from 25.
    Removed FPS Head, Torso and Legs.
    Camera is no longer pushed forward.
    This means you can no longer shoot through walls.

    Friday, March 4, 2016

    Outbreak Survival What's next.

    So the Winter Event is over. After two and a bit months of being able to collect presents, we finally return to a normal game void of present hunting and people asking "what do i do with presents" and "how do i open present".

    So what happens now? Well, the Final Stand update replaces both the Winter Event and Valentine's update for content. (Although the Valentine's update items will still be for sale for a while).

    Next update will be an Easter event (celebration for the first Easter event in Outbreak Survival!) where you will be able to collect Eggs in various maps and trade them in for items much like the current events.

    This event won't last 2.5 months however, so Eggs will probably be slightly easier to obtain.

    So this event is confirmed for 2.9. But what about 3.0 and beyond?

    Last year (during April) the 2.1 update was released for the game. This update added a huge amount of changes, including the class unlock system, armour system, new inventory GUI, a large variety of maps, an actually working game, v5.0 weapons. But the vision for the game didn't stop there.

    Like the 2.1 update, the 3.0 update will have a lot of new features drastically improving gameplay experience.

    Here is a short list of core features that you can expect in the 3.0 update. However keep in-mind that this list may change, and some thing may be released earlier.

    Improved Zombie selection screen: 

    Taking the best bits from the current menu and merging them together with the more robust Pet Selection Menu and Plants vs Zombies Battlegrounds 3.0 class GUI, this new interface will have all the important buttons and features present on one page. Which means it won't take ages to select items to buy and will make them more noticeable for players to select.

    It will also better accommodate the ever growing list of Zombies, and will be able to automatically add new Zombies and put them in the right order whenever a new one is made. (You may have noticed how in the Unlocks tab, the various stages are all over the place).

    New rewards system:

    It's important for players to feel like they are getting rewarded enough for their actions. Currently the Points for kills system is flawed. This was somewhat fixed when assists came along, but a kill can easily be given for dealing the killing blow on an enemy. But even if you got the kill, someone else could have done 90% of the work in damaging that enemy but only got an assist or nothing at all.

    This new system will replace Points for kills and assists and replace it with Points for Damage Done. What this means is, every bit of damage you deal to a Zombie will help grant you Points. This system does however come with it's own flaws. The amount people will earn will be higher since you can damage the same player multiple times, while they can go away and heal. Another problem could arise with farming, it's a lot easier to farm damage done than kills because players can run and heal, let you deal damage then run back again.

    To combat this a few hidden requirements will be put in place, as well as making the Damage Done to Points only affect the amount you earn in a small way. The majority of Points earned will be through the new Chest system.

    The new Chest system, will allow players to gain higher ranked chests based upon performance. If you lose you will still get a Bronze Chest, but you can increase the Rank of that chest if you did well during the round.

    For example you might have been infected, but managed to pull off 3 survivor kills. That would get you a tier 2 chests granting more rewards than if you simply lost. [This is just an example and is not how it will be in the final version].

    New 6.0 weapon system:

    This will be tested in the new 3.0 update for Plants vs Zombies: Battlegrounds. So you might be able to try it out there before it comes to Outbreak Survival. This update adds a bunch of new statistics to weapons, allowing for greater customisation (by me) and improved performance along with many feature additions.

    Such additions include the ability to have damage falloff and rampup, having an armour piercing property, allowing for tracer shots, easy addition of Q,E or any other keybinds and much more.

    New Inventory:

    Another Inventory revamp. The look and style will probably remain the same, but like the Zombie menu lots of new quality of life improvements will be added. Such features currently include better searching and sorting methods. Non-static inventory, where items you don't own will not be added to the GUI (so you don't end up with a whole wall of "LOCKED" items), ability to select skins for certain weapons and the ability to select a weapon by type. For example if there's an item called "Shotgun", you can select from a list to either equip the "Starter", or "Basic" variant.

    Item statistics and price changes will also occur in this update. Most of the weapons will also become more powerful as a result. More on that later.

    Better maps:

    Some of the "Legacy" maps will remain in the rotation due to being classics (e.g Communal Town), whereas some are less favoured by players. The current maps that are scheduled for revamps or removal are: Bolt-On Town and Oil Works. Some of the map mechanics for these are actually quite interesting and could be used again, or just fleshed out more in their current state.

    Oil Works is unique because it uses a lot of water and forces players to walk along specific paths. But because it's mostly community built, not all of the models were made to be 100% compatible. What I mean by this is, there aren't many thought out areas where survivors can go to defend against zombies. Or many alternate routes zombies can take to get to camping survivors.

    Bolt-On Town has had many changes to make it better, and in some ways it is. The underwater flooded area is unique, and it's the only map where the survivors start underground and have to fight their way to the surface. But like Oil Works (and actually considerably worse), it has model issues where most of them don't exactly fit and allow for surviving. Most people walk around the middle on the road or head to the one building that's more newly built. (Carter's).

    Oil Works might get revamped, but Bolt-On Town is definitely being retired. Expanded XL hasn't returned yet, since many players have problems with secrets and that map has a ton. The map is also way too large and open for the current game, and causes a problem where players have to play hide and seek before actually being able to battle humans or zombies. As a side note the map could work as a special 30-50 player version of the game.

    The 3.0 update will be worked on after the Easter event, this might mean no major update for April, but it will be well worth the wait.

    Monday, February 29, 2016

    Outbreak Survival [2.8.300 Final Stand Update Patch notes]

    Patch 2.8.300 - Major Patch

    Present drops disabled. Presents for kills disabled.

    Presents currency will remain in-game for two weeks allowing you to spend your presents on items. Presents can still be bought for Robux during this time.

    Builder Town, Winter Castle removed from the map rotation list.

    Toxic Spill now has regular colour scheme.

    Castle Front has returned!
    • Water now deals damage over time instead of instant kill near the spawn area.
    • Added fireplace and particle effect from Winter Castle.
    • Added Teleport fix from Winter Castle.
    • Added a raised floor to the crate area, allowing players to shoot through them properly.
    • Removed seats from most benches like in Winter Castle.
    • Removed unnecessary unions from the map like in Winter Castle.
    • Added the new larger Safe Room to Castle Front from Winter Castle. 

    Autumn Wind:
    • Copied over the dynamic lights from Halloween Realm. Copied over the updated Harvest Building model from Halloween Realm.
    • Decorated some of the buildings with the new props from Halloween Realm.

    Outbreak Survival [2.8.200 Final Stand Update Patch notes]

    Patch 2.8.200 - Major Patch

    Secrets be gone update.

    For a long time secrets have been a very viable way to win the game. Finding a secret teleporter that no one knows about and waiting there until the round is over is a common tactic among experienced players.

    However for those that don't know the teleporter it provides a frustrating gameplay experience, that often leads to people leaving due to getting bored from not being able to get near the enemy.

    On the flip side, quite a few seasoned players get angry whenever new players are shown where the secrets are. It creates an elitist environment which creates a negative effect on gameplay.

    To combat this without removing secrets completely, many of the secret areas that players find hard to deal with will have alternate pathways opened up during the end stages of the game.

    To help with this a new stage; stage 6 has been added to the game. In a round with 10 minutes, stage 6 will be at 1 minute or 60 seconds (whichever you prefer).

    Here are some examples of the changes: In PowerOut, most people don't know how to get to the hidden area inside the Cinema. Without making it easier to find, at Stage 4 players will be able to attack the desk (placed in such a way that humans behind it won't shoot it by accident), if the desk is destroyed, the invisible barrier will vanish allowing players to enter and attack humans inside. The teleporters will also be deactivated stopping the players from escaping.

    In Autumn wind, the area under the hill at stage 5; will have an attackable paint bucket cased in ice , destroying it will allow you to use this new paint bucket to quickly enter the area under the hill.

    In both cases players have to actually defend and destroy the attacking zombies if they don't want them to enter the secret areas.

    Here's a list of maps that have these types of changes:

    Autumn Wind


    Toxic Spill


    Gravity Zombie:

    • Jump velocity for ability increased.
    • Overdrive Version now won't float forever (hopefully).

    Gravity Lock Zombie:

    • Weapon will no longer create an infinite CC boolean.
    • Weapon will now bounce correctly and can hit multiple targets before being destroyed.
    Map changes (Detailed):

    • Cinema / theatre area can now be breached by attacking the desk at stage 4. Desk gets partially destroyed along with the teleporters being disabled.
    • Computer teleport: Can destroy the generator at stage 5 which will blow up part of the wall and create a ladder. Jumping down from that area as a human will make you trip. Teleporters get destroyed as well.
    • Janitors closet, placed above ground and inserted into a wall. Can destroy the door at stage 5. Teleporter becomes inactive if you do so.
    Autumn Wind:
    • Frozen paint bucket will become attackable at stage 5. Destroying the ice will disable the other teleporter and make this one the default for entering the hill zone.
    Toxic Spill:
    • Vertex Array coded most secret areas to be destroyed at stage 4 anyway, but the area under the hill will have ladders leading to it if zombies manage to destroy the generator.
    Winter Castle: 
    • Will be removed in patch 2.8.300.
    Builder Town:

    • Will be removed in patch 2.8.300.
    Castle Front: 
    • Will return in patch 2.8.300.
    • Water now deals damage over time instead of instant kill near the spawn area.
    • Added fireplace and particle effect from Winter Castle.
    • Added Teleport fix from Winter Castle.
    • Added a raised floor to the crate area, allowing players to shoot through them properly.
    • Removed seats from most benches like in Winter Castle.
    • Removed unnecessary unions from the map like in Winter Castle.
    • Added the new larger Safe Room to Castle Front from Winter Castle. 

    Sunday, February 28, 2016

    Outbreak Survival [2.8.100 Final Stand Update Patch notes]

    Patch 2.8.100 - Major Patch

    Health Potion changes:
    • Like the original system, the Health Vulnerability will now only be removed 1.5 seconds after drinking, if you reach max health early.
    • Sandvich now follows the same system as the regular health potions. Cannot jump while using.
    • Chocolate Armour now has Health Vulnerability while drinking. You are also forced to stand still (can't jump) and restores health gradually instead of all at once.
    Points images now show the correct value when buying them (from before all Points for Robux rates were doubled).

    Code changes:
    • Inserted the structure to handle weapon skins.
    • Zombies can now make use of the new daze on x hits property
    Class changes:
    • Brute Zombie has daze on third hit.
    • Regular Zombie has daze of fifth hit.
    • Tagger Zombie has daze on seventh hit.
    • Striker has daze on sixth hit.
    • Anti-Armour has daze on sixth hit.
    • Whiplash has daze of fifth hit.
    • Fast Zombie has daze on tenth hit.
    • Bullet Zombie has daze on tenth hit.
    • Default values for all classes are *0.6 slow and 1.5 duration (Much less than classes with Daze by default).
    Bomb Frog Zombie:
    • Bombs now timeout and explode after 8 seconds instead of 16. (Explosion works).
    • Fixed the error, where the explosion code wasn't called when the player has been Bomb Frogged.
    Freeze Mine:
    • No longer has the Crystal Tag for extra damage, uses the same Freeze code as the Staff items meaning it will no longer create a large block but instead the small mesh.
    • Because of this change Ice Zombies can no longer be frozen by Freeze Mines.
      Crystal Mine:
      • Uses similar code to the Freeze Mine, has a crystal mesh that doesn't increase hitbox size.
      • Has unique crystal mesh for easy identification.
      Freeze Changes:
      • Freeze did not create a Frozen Tag, meaning the Frost Buster weapon did not work at dealing extra damage to Frozen targets. Freeze now creates the appropriate Frozen Tag.
      CC fixes:
      • Fixed the glitch where Freeze would create a CC value and not remove it, when nothing 
      Fixed Magma Blade from not awarding kills or assists. It did not add the attacking player to the tag, meaning credit was unable to be given.

      Added two new properties to the Players: DamageMultiplier and DefenceMultiplier.

      Tried to rotate the Hippo Pet...

      Saturday, February 27, 2016

      Outbreak Survival [2.8.000 Final Stand Update Patch notes]

      Patch 2.8.000

      This update only features community ideas, models and maps. (Aside from the one weapon from December; the Rage Shotgun).

      New features:

      Two new Zombie classes have been added.
      • Bomb Frog Zombie. It's been a while since we've had any mutations in the game. This Zombie, like the Frog Master will be a Mutation of the Decay Zombie. It will be able to launch red frogs which will explode if no one touches them. (16 seconds until detonation). Any frogs that are eaten by the player will turn them into a living bomb. After 8 seconds that player will explode, dealing 15 damage to themselves and anyone around in a large explosion radius. Stage 3
      • Assassin Zombie: Stage 3, this Zombie is fast (19) and has moderate health (115), however it's damage is low (5). On every second hit this Zombie will be cloaked making it transparent and harder to see while also increasing damage to 8 and reducing speed to 17 for 8 seconds. Has a 3 second cooldown period between cloaks.
      Three new items:
      • Fists of Justice: Punch your way through the Zombie horde with these fists made by Carter!
      • Cup of Soup. Someone wanted soup in the game. Here you go. Works like Cookies, except weighs 1 more (3w versus 2w) but can be used more often (30 seconds CD versus 40).
      • Rage Shotgun: Slightly weaker than normal shotguns, but has the added bonus of having a rage meter. The meter builds up from damage done, once full you can activate it to gain increased fire rate and reload times.
      New map:
      • Last Stand. This new map made by Carter tasks Survivors with trying to stop the wave of Zombies from capturing the control point-flaming-bin-things. Once captured the Zombies will seize the area taking control of it and moving their spawn points forward.
      New Status effects:
      • Bomb Frog GUI
      • Soup GUI
      • Small fire DoT GUI
      New music:
      • Special soundtrack for Carter's map.
      • New epic deploy soundtrack.
      • Possibly fixed the glitch where unlocked Breaker Zombies cannot be selected.
      • Water item now heals 10HP if no fire is present.
      • Toned down the Fire DoT GUI overlay.

      Patch 2.8.001

      Epic deploy music now has 4x chance of showing up.

      Updated Toxic Spill to fix teleporters.

      Fixed bomb frogs.

      All Developer products that sell Points have been doubled. (E.g 5 Robux / 75 Points is now 5 Robux/ 150 Points).

      Added Carter's code change to the Assassin Zombie, now has particle and sound effects.

      Fixed clipping in Zombie menu.

      Patch 2.8.002

      Fixed the game from being broken.

      Assassin Zombie now has the correct animations.

      Magma Zombie now can only apply the Burn DoT once per target.

      Healing Vulnerability reduced to x2 damage down from x2.5.

      All Health Potions remove Burn.

      All Health Potions remove the Healing Vulnerability upon finishing drinking.

      Brute Zombie Changes: Health increased to 800 up from 600.

      Heartbreaker Health reduced to 90 down from 100.

      Tuesday, February 23, 2016

      Outbreak Survival: Human classes and why there's only one.

      For quite some time people have often asked why there is only one class to select, or why can we select any classes at all. More Human classes could be added in the future, but not in the way you think!

      Here's a brief overview on the original concept of human classes. Before Armour was added, it was my intention to add new classes to the game that would allow the player to try out different play styles. Each class would be limited to equipping certain items, with Starter items being accessible to all classes. The Survivor unless otherwise stated would be the only class that could use Basic items.

      The first human classes were as follows:

      Survivor: What you see today. (16 spd, 100hp, 20 weight). Would be allowed to equip Basic items.

      Assault: Slightly faster than survivor, and can equip Assault weapons but can't carry as much weight. Possibly had less HP too.

      Heavy: Can use Heavy weapons. Slower than the Survivor and can take slightly more damage. This class would be based around using powerful but high weight items. This class might of had a higher amount of weigh units.

      Defender: Can use Defence items, had the highest amount of HP and was also slower compared with the Survivor. This class was based around taking damage and preventing other team members from taking damage too. This class might of had a higher amount of weigh units. This class might have also been able to use Basic items

      Medic: Was going to have half the weight units (10), but came default with a free (0 weight) healing tool of your choice. Probably had similar stats to the Survivor and could have possibly used Basic items. Would earn extra Points for healing.

      Support items may have been switched for only Medics and/or another Support class to use, and any generic items from this category would have been moved to a new Utility category. (For items such has HP potions, Freeze Star etc).

      VIP items would most likely be able to be used by all classes, but some restrictions may have had to be made.

      More classes may have been added as time went on as well.

      However, along came the 2.1 update with Armour...

      Armour allowed you to customise your character with desired stats. For example if you wanted more Protection Armour rather than Defence then you could pick one that does the job, or if you needed a special ability like speed you could pick the Coffee Armour which gives you a short speed boost on demand in exchange for not being as durable as other armour pieces.

      As Kyrie said during his stream when asked about classes, Armour pretty much replaces classes now especially with the amount of item choices that are in the game. Players can essentially create their own classes now, which would make these a bit redundant.

      Another large problem with adding these with the current state of the game is balancing. Say for example a Player had a 100% win rate and using a particular class and wearing Armour X, with weapon Y, and VIP item Z. Which item would be at fault? Would the class have to be changed? The armour nerfed? One of the weapons? It adds another unnecessary layer to be balanced around and would complicate the game when adding new content.

      The second problem would be identification. In class based games usually the class looks a certain way and you can easily identify what it is by looking at it's outfit, shape, weapons or silhouette. In Outbreak Survival players wear their own hats, clothes, packages, from the Roblox catalogue which would make it really confusing for newer players to understand what they are fighting.

      Experienced players might also get confused. They could be fighting this slow class and decided to play a tanky zombie to reduce damage taken, but find out the slow class is not a Heavy it's a Defender and they should have used something else. Or it could have been an Assault class (fast) using an armour piece that makes them slower.

      However despite all this classes are not off the table forever. The ideas above will probably be recycled for Outbreak Survival 2 whenever or if ever that is made. Classes in Outbreak Survival could work, but they would need to be very different from the customisable ones above.

      In the current game as it is today, classes could only work if they had fixed stats like the original, but were unable to use the same Inventory system as a survivor. What they would instead be is characters that have pre-determined weapons and items kind of like how Weapon Sets were originally supposed to be.

      For example if there was a "Ducky Pirate class" (probably wouldn't happen due to already having a buyable Weapon Set with the same name, but it's just an example) and you selected it, it would spawn you into the game as that character with appropriate items. (Ducks and pirate stuff I guess).

      If classes were to be added in the future that is the way they would most likely be added in Outbreak Survival 1. Which could very well mean in a future update.

      Thursday, February 11, 2016

      Outbreak Survival [2.7.000 Valentine's Update Patch notes]

      Patch 2.7.000
      Not the community update. Community updates moved from 2.7 and 2.8 to 2.8 and 2.9 respectively.

      Valentine's Update

      Bold = New additions post release

      New features:

      Two new Zombie classes have been added.
      • The Heartbreaker Zombie; Stage 2 class capable of granting a "heart" on each hit. Once 3 hearts are generated they will be consumed and explode dealing minor AoE damage to any humans nearby.
      • Scuba Zombie: Stage 3 class that doesn't take damage from most water sources. Has a Shark Shooter weapon that fires sharks; which can stun Humans and if hit multiple times, apply a short bleed DoT.
      New revamped community made map; Whiteout [Thanks to Carter for improving the models!]

      New game mechanics:
      • Hearts. Hearts are created with certain attacks, two players that are tagged with a heart and come into contact with eachother; will both explode dealing direct damage to each other and AoE damage to all other players of the same team nearby.
      • Blizzard. The new map has a chance to spawn a Blizzard, the severity of the Blizzard is randomised meaning it could just be light snow, heavy snow or heavy snow + slow movement while outside.

      Four new pets:
      • Teddy Bloxpin: Redeemable via a code.
      • Heart Balloon: Can be bought for Points.
      • Sir Hippo: Easter egg pet.
      • McSnuggles: Easter egg pet.
      Four new event weapons:
      • Matchmaker: Fairly weak bow that can apply a single Heart to each enemy hit.
      • Heartcrusher: Deals damage and has the ability to remove a single Heart. This instantly damages the target for twice the single target Heart damage, but removes the AoE.
      • Heart Bomb: Can be thrown dealing minor damage to Zombies, but applies a stack of Heart to any hit players (even on the same team). Any character reaching 3 stacks will have the same effect as the Heartbreaker attack.
      • Chocolate Rifle: It's just your average Rifle, but it can shoot chocolate!
      • These new items can be bought from the Basic shop.
      Two new armour pieces:
      • LavaResistArmor: This Armour can resist the effects of lava damage.
      • Chocolate Armour: Upon use (F) this armour will remove 5 Defence and restore 50 HP. Tasty.
      One new game image.

      One new game advert.

      Pet changes:
      • Fireworks2016 can now be bought for Points for those that missed the code.
      Balance changes:

      • Agent Revolver: Has less ammo, takes longer to fire, deals +10 damage, takes a second longer to reload, minimum spread reduced, maximum spread increased [0.03 down from 0.05 and 0.06 up from 0.05].
      • Proton Pistol: Accuracy increased [0.03 down from 0.04]. Reload Time is reduced by 0.5 seconds up from 0.1 seconds for each Proton Collider KO. Ammo gain increased by 15 up from 12. Damage increased to 38 up from 35.
      • Freeze Staff: Works off of a new Freeze code that ALL freeze weapons use (Star, Staff, Ice Zombie). Can now be thawed early (currently no items that do this), frozen part now smaller, frozen part no longer drastically increases hitbox.
      • Frost Buster: Now deals x8 damage vs Frozen Targets up from x4.
      • Ice Zombie: Freeze Staff cooldown increased to 12 seconds up from 8 seconds.
      • Blitz Zombie bonus speed now halved. 

      Zombie changes:
      • Unique attacks of the Magma and Snow Chugga are now accounted for in the normal Basic Attack, meaning these classes can take advantage of the "hold mouse down to attack" feature.
      • Magma Zombie's burn DoT now can grant Kills or Assists and counts towards damage done.
      Code changes:
      • Zombie Morph Module now works with the new Zombie variables.
      • Freeze Staff is now more efficient and runs off of less scripts.
      Map changes:
      • Bolt-On Town: Now has car models placed around the road. Road now leads to a flooded area with water.
      Map additions: 
      • New Easter egg for Voltrix Base.
      • New Easter eggs in Communal Town.
      • New Easter eggs in Autumn Wind.
      • New Easter eggs in Oil Works.
      • New Easter egg in Bolt-On Town.

      Lobby changes: 
      • More Easter eggs placed in the Lobby.
      • New Zombie memory match minigame

      Sound and Visual changes:
      • Heart mechanic has a special sound effect for each hit.
      • Heart mechanic has a new particle effect for each hit, and explosion.
      • Toxic gas particle has been changed to "LockToPart", this will allow it to be seen more easily in first person.
      • Water and Healing particles have also had the same treatment.
      • Explosion sounds from all 4 explosive classes now play the sound effect from their torso.
      • Two new Fire particle effects, removed the old one. Made it so that one particle stays locked to the torso, while the other creates a trail behind the player.
      • New daze particle for when you are stunned by a Zombie attack.
      • Freeze Staff has new frozen mesh, along with Frozen and Thaw sound effects.

      UI Changes:

      Zombie Morph GUI:
      • Shop top border colour now changed to a shade of blue.
      • Zombie damage now displays as damage per hit instead of damage per second.
      • Zombie damage for those classes that have the "Double Strike" animation will still display as double their single target damage. (This accounts for both arms hitting the target, since they swing one after the other).

      • Oil Works teleporter now doesn't trap players.
      • Team doors fixed once and for all.
      • Zombie slow amount was not affected by individual classes durations (oops), this meant that Kaboom Zombie's supposedly lower than average stun actually became the full 3 seconds instead of the class specific 2.
      • Manually added the "Invisible Mouse" fix from the 6.0 Weapon System to all Starter and Basic items. (Weapon Set items pending)
      • Edit: Applied this fix to ALL items.
      Patch 2.7.001 notes:


      • Added the missing pets to the pet menu.
      • Fixed the Heart mechanic not working.
      • Fixed the cafe register from throwing an error.
      • Fixed the Burn DoT from breaking.
      • Fixed the Blitz Zombie speed increaser from breaking
      • Fixed saving and loading.
      • Fixed chocolate armour from not activating.
      • Fixed Autumn wind lightning.
      • Fixed Communal Town Easter egg.
      Patch 2.7.002 notes:

      • Fixed Matchmaker bow.
      • Added missing Hippo pet image.
      • Fixed Matchmaker bow's odd muzzleflash placement.

      Balance changes: 
      • Chocolate armour now removes 1 speed up from 0.5
      • Peashooter ClipSize increased from 25 to 30. MaxAmmo from 500 to 600
      • All Assault Rifles have + 1 damage. In general from 11 to 12 and from 8 to 9 depending on tier.
      Patch 2.7.003 notes:

      Bug fixes: 
      • Fixed the multiple snow spam for Zombies on whiteout.

      Balance changes: 
      • Chocolate armour now removes 8 Defence up from 5 but has a maximum of 32 up from 30.
      • Breaker Zombie has basic attack again.
      • Heartbreaker Zombie's health now 90 down from 100, speed now 17 down from 18. Restored the single heart on hit effect.
      • Fixes to Autumn Wind Easter egg.
      • Fixed the Scuba Zombie's shark attack.
      Added newest version of Voltrix Base and Whiteout.

      Patch 2.7.004 notes:
      • Heartbreaker reverted health to 100, reverted speed to 18.
      • Heart mechanics. +10 damage to the explosion. +20 radius to reward successful hits.
      • Mini and Mega bombers: x1.5 extra explosion damage if target is above 50% HP.
      • Scuba Zombie: Reload time set to 5 down from 8.
      • Defence will no longer help to reduce damage to Armour.
      • Reguar Zombie + 1 damage
      Patch 2.7.005:
      • Safe Room doors were CanCollide false in certain places allowing people to walk through. Fixed for all maps.
      • Shark Launcher doesn't affect Zombies anymore.
      • Reverted the change that made Defence not reduce damage for armour.
      • Fixed Toxic Spill not spawning presents.
      • Increased the game time of both Oil Works and Bolt-On Town to 9 minutes up from 8.
      • Data will not save if your Points are 0 and Rank are 0.
      • Inventories will not save if blank.
      • The last map selected will also not be picked Now we can't have situations like: Oil Works > PowerOut> Oil Works. It would instead have to be: Oil Works > PowerOut > Autumn Wind > Oil Works.
      • Weighted maps; some maps are just more popular than others. New maps will have a 3x chance of spawning while popular maps will get 2x. Currently 75th Street, PowerOut and Voltrix Base will all be categorised as popular.
      • Whiteout; Made it so you can't climb pillars, set bricks to CanCollide false and Union to Box to reduce lag.
      Patch 2.7.006 - 2.7.007:
      • Many different map changes and fixes for Whiteout, Voltrix Base and Final Stand.
      Patch 2.7.008:
      • Inventories will no longer save if table is empty. (Will prevent data loss).
      • Updated Final Stand and Voltrix Base to latest versions.
      • Added the new Fists of Justice item by CarterTheHippo.
      • Added the correct image for the Hippo.
      • Fixed the zIndex for the new items in the Inventory.
      • Edited the Fists of Justice code to be more efficient.
      • Buffed or changed most melee items. Examples include all the shop bought ones being increased in weight but having a few extra points of damage.
      Patch 2.7.009:
      • Extra save fixes.
      • New addition to the addition of additions.
      • Added a fixed version of the new Fists.
      Patch 2.7.010:
      • More Fist item fixes. Reduced hitbox size slightly. (Was too large, could punch people behind you lol).
      • GUI Check fixes.
      • Fixed daze particle not vanishing.
      Patch 2.7.011:
      • Fixed music not playing for the Final Stand map.
      • Fixed McSnuggles pet not being obtainable.
      • Fixed Hippo pet not being obtainable.

      Saturday, February 6, 2016

      Outbreak Survival [2.6.016 Volcanic Survival Patch notes]

      Patch 2.6.016

      Brute Changes:

      • Speed decreased to 13 from 14.
      • Damage decreased to 12 from 14.
      • Removed slow on hit attribute.
      Blitz Changes: 
      • Speed increases as health decreases, starting from 60% health.
      Updated Voltrix Base to the newest version.

      Outbreak Survival [2.6.015 Volcanic Survival Patch notes]

      Patch 2.6.015

      Removed the previous Stage 0 fix, since I found an instance where it wouldn't work.

      Added a  new stage 0 fix that checks every time you click the "Join" button to see if there's 0 Humans, and for if the game is still playing.

      Thursday, February 4, 2016

      Outbreak Survival [Stage 1 Zombie changes 2.6.014 Volcanic Survival Patch notes]

      Zombie stage 1 rebalance.

      It's come to my attention that a few of the classes may need a few tweaks to them. Starting off are the stage 1 classes.

      For Core classes we have: Regular Zombie, Kaboom Zombie and Tagger Zombie.
      For Mutations we have: Crab Zombie.
      For Unlocks we have: Crawler Zombie.

      Current stats:

      Regular Zombie
      125 Health
      17 WalkSpeed
      8 damage per hit (1 second slash rate).

      Crab Zombie -- Mutation
      175 Health
      16 WalkSpeed
      7 damage per hit (1 second slash rate).

      Kaboom Zombie
      170 Health
      15 WalkSpeed
      8 damage per hit (1.5 second slash rate).
      Can daze. Lasts for 3 seconds, and slows by 60%.
      OnDeath: Explodes dealing 30 damage to all survivors around it.

      Tagger Zombie
      100 Health
      16 WalkSpeed
      6 damage per hit (1 second slash rate).
      Special attack: Can fire tagger rounds that track humans during the game.

      Crawler Zombie -- Unlock
      175 Health
      Defence: 20% Block.
      14 WalkSpeed
      7 damage per hit (1 second slash rate).
      Can daze. Lasts for 2 seconds, and slows by 60%.
      Crawling animation. Harder to hit.

      Regular Zombie is the base class we are currently balancing the other's against. Crab trades speed and damage for extra early game health. Kaboom is slow but explodes on death. Tagger trades everything for the ability to tag humans and reveal their location, Crawler is meant to be an early game tanky class, able to withstand more damage.

      Kaboom Zombie was nerfed in the past since it could slow for 70% and could swing faster.

      Crawler Zombie has been asked for a nerf by some and a buff from others. What most people don't realise is the fact it has 20% block, this is due to the Zombie GUI not displaying the armour or defence attributes anywhere.

      For the new stats Regular, Crab and Kaboom are going to remain the same. Since for now they are fairly balanced in their current state. Below I will post the new changes, as well as reasoning why at the end.

      Tagger Zombie
      100 Health
      16 WalkSpeed
      8 damage per hit (1 second slash rate) [Up from 6]

      Crawler Zombie
      200 Health [Up from 175]
      Defence: 0% [Down from 20%]
      14 WalkSpeed
      6 damage per hit (1 second slash rate). [Down from 7]

      Tagger Zombie didn't have much use aside from tagging targets. Now it only trades 25HP and 1 WalkSpeed for the ability to tag.

      Crawler Zombie has had defence removed, but instead gained 25HP. This puts it above Crab in terms of health and as a tradeoff has one less WalkSpeed. After this a further one WalkSpeed is removed since this class can daze as well being smaller in size, meaning it's harder to hit.

      Lastly Crawler now deals 6 damage, removing its use as early game damage, and moving more towards survivability.

      I hope these changes work out better overall. In the future once the new 6.0 Weapon System is out, the damage and health of all classes will probably be changed since all weapons will most likely deal more damage.

      Further stage changes may occur over the upcoming weeks.

      Tuesday, February 2, 2016

      Outbreak Survival [2.6.013 Volcanic Survival Patch notes]

      Patch 2.6.013:

      Code changes:

      Survivor Regenerate Health code changes:
      • Functions the same, but is more efficient (won't run if it doesn't need to).
      • Instead of healing X amount per Y seconds. It will now regenerate [X health / Y seconds] every second. 
      • Still regenerates the same amount, but the effect will be a constant increase of HP every second instead of short bursts every 5.
      • Health code is configurable, allowing for other scripts to edit the Regeneration Rate,  Health Amount and Out of Combat Cooldown values.
      Music player:
      • Fixed heroic game music from playing when you're in the lobby.

      Outbreak Survival [2.6.012 Volcanic Survival Patch notes]

      Patch 2.6.012:

      Lobby changes:

      • Lobby has new floor design, removing the smooth plastic and adding a material. Lines have been made darker to give the worn appearance. 
      • Surrounding walls have been given a texture.
      • Hexagons have been placed on the floor in other areas.
      • Leaderboard is now a hologram blue colour.

      Survivor cafe changes:

      • Added food decoration items to the cafe.
      • Added a popup number GUI, that accepts numerical inputs and outputs them to the "amount of currency owed" surface GUI's on the till.

      • Added Easter egg that appears when entering a certain number or above on the till.
      Code changes:
      • Found the final stage 0 causing bug. The game will no longer freeze.
      Map changes:
      • Voltrix Base has been updated to the latest version. Many improvements have been made here.

      Sunday, January 31, 2016

      Outbreak Survival [2.6.011 Volcanic Survival Patch notes]

      Patch 2.6.011:

      More stage 0 fixes.

      Stopped a few while true do loops from running after deletion.

      Tweaked the sludge abilities somewhat.

      New updated Voltrix Base map: Has many new features which will help bring the difficulty down.

      Fixed Inventory glitch.

      Friday, January 29, 2016

      Outbreak Survival [2.6.010 Volcanic Survival Patch notes]

      Game changes:

      Added the new 2.0 Safe Room.

      Safe Room has new internal decorations, as well as more space for survivors to spawn in, which will hopefully eliminate the issue where players spawn above the room. It also has interactable curtains, and the safe room door now swings open using C-Frame.

      Added kill floors below all maps.

      Oil Works changes:

      • Moved the safe room inside the ship.
      • Added stage 5 ladders to the ship's roof.
      • Old safe room is still there but broken.
      Bolt-On Town changes:
      • Made the teleporters from the safe room to take you underground, instead of above ground.
      Autumn Wind changes:
      • Possibly fixed the electric door not working.
      Made a contingency failsafe that imports a locallly stored Communal Town map if LoadAsset fails in  the future.

      Made some of the code more error-proof.

      Finally found one issue that could cause a stage 0 or game reset bug. (Player disconnecting during remote function call).

      Thursday, January 28, 2016

      Outbreak Survival Old Missing 2.3-2.4 patch notes

      Old match notes for the 2.3 update and possibly parts of the 2.4 update.

      Patch 2.3 has arrived! Adding a new community map [Power Out], a revamped event map [Castle Front], 9 new weapons, numerous balance changes,

      4 new Zombie classes, loadout system, synced music, item stats library, new GUI's, pets, daily quests and much more!

      Tag gun shots will no longer bounce around everywhere. Lots of items have spawned objects destroyed instead of being nil parented. Changed the Frog code around again, will now work with mobile, possibly fixed the not working glitch.

      Player Points have been added to the game! You'll get 2 per kill, 1 per assist, 10 per bronze chest, 20 per silver chest and 30 per gold chest

      New status effect GUI's! These will appear when certain things happen to your character, this will help new players feel less confused.

      Examples include a frozen effect, cookie trapped and frogged.

      New event items, some of these are pretty unique. Grab yours with presents soon!

      Examples are the Freezonator, capable of throwing down a Freeze mine every 3rd kill. Frost Buster mace: Deals x4 damage to frozen targets.

      New basic items, utilising the Rage mechanic and other things. These items are pretty solid but will cost a lot.

      New stats GUI. This GUI is more compact and moves itself away from the PvZ:Battleground style GUI. It combines health and armour into one

      bar, and will still notify you when your health is low.

      Zombie changes: Striker Zombie will now completely ignore defence (old code actually made defence twice as effective lol). New Ignore Defence

      boolean has that Zombies can utilise, Anti-Armour Zombie will now deal more overall damage, but no longer deal extra damage versus armour. It

      will now instead have a higher chance to permanently remove defence, and ignores defence.

      New Zombies! Blitz Zombie is back and is a great alternative to the Striker Zombie for those that like durability over damage. Snow Chugga

      Zombie: This icy mechanical mix can slow down humans on hit and freeze them on every 3rd consecutive hit.

      Brute Zombie is also making a return! This fierce Zombie deals a large amount of damage but is slower than your average survivor. It also has

      a large health pool.

      New Inventory and start menu changes. There is a new colour scheme for both these GUI's (the blue's are the same), the buttons and colours

      have been simplified. There is only one colour for the buttons now, and the text is no longer blue. (The red backing was a bit blinding for

      some players). You can also hide locked items to further avoid confusion.

      Loads of bug fixes in this update, including characters not spawning with the anti-jump mechanics, players being able to spawn as a neutral

      Zombie, possible bug fixes for the throwing frogs - these have been heavily recoded and will hopefully not randomly stop working anymore.

      At every stage increase, players will be shown on the map for a short duration. This will allow the combat to not become stale and boring.

      Some maps have had their timer reduced as a result. Players under the effects of cloak will not be shown on the map.

      2 new event maps! The castle front map has it's winter colour scheme back on, as well as decorations! Builder Town is back, with many new

      changes and improvements but while also keeping what made this map fun.

      Presents drop a fixed amount per wave, but can spawn in many different locations. Multiple waves also occur per map. Presents will also drop

      per kill, these have a higher chance of being better.

      Presents range from .............

      But that's not it. This is only part 1! With part two releasing closer to Christmas, which has been confirmed to contain a new community map,

      new themed Zombies and weapons. :)

      2.3 Missing patch notes:

      Breaker Zombie: Minimum buy price increased, doubles in cost each time you buy it. (Resets on round end). Reduced the ground slam damage

      amount from 40 to 30, reduced the shockwave ability damage from 10 to 8. Reduced walkspeed from 15 to 14, reduced punch damage from 15 to 10,

      reduced crush damage from 30 to 25.

      Sandvich: Can use while at full health to "taunt" (doesn't use any of the charges). Ice Zombie cannot be frozen by the Ice Staff, Ice Zombie

      no longer loses health after shooting an Ice Shard. Made a few changes to the current Zombie abilities and added some new ones.

      Changed Crystal Mines: Can deploy a Mine every 60 seconds (you have 3 mines total). Each mine can be activated 3 times each before being

      destroyed (once a mine has been activated, it will have a 30 second cooldown and then re-activate). Because of this the mine item will be

      about 3-4 weight. Clarification: For the Heavy set for every item in the set equipped you gain +400 minigun ammo and +32 shotgun ammo. (With

      all items equipped +800 / + 64).

      Changes to the Puddle ability: Split into two different puddles. Sludge Puddle: Max 4 charges no cooldown between uses (the offensive puddle

      ability), lasts forever until round ends or its health reaches 0, has higher damage, more health, its max size is smaller but grows more


      Sludge Pool: Similar to the old one (tactical puddle), has a 30 second cooldown, slower growth rate, but is larger than the puddle, deals

      less damage, has less health, once it reaches max size it will stay active for 2 minutes, after which it will start to recede and eventually

      vanish. (All puddles have nerfed max health).

      New Zombie abilities: Worm Nest [Active Ability]. On use will spawn a Worm Nest which will periodically spawn worms until its destroyed. Can

      replace the Worm Nest every 30 seconds. Nest has a 20 second "arm" time. Sludge Trail [Passive Ability]. While active you will start to spawn

      mini puddles every 30 seconds. These will grow in size and then eventually recede. (Much smaller than the Active puddles).

      Armoured Hide [Passive Ability]. Grants your Zombie character +10% Defence rating.

      The Sludge Pool is a tactical puddle that grows more slowly compared with the Sludge Pool, however its maximum size is larger and one can be

      placed down every 30 seconds.

      Place down a Sludge Puddle that damages any human that steps in it. Can place down a maximum of 4 at a time. Puddle grows with time until it

      has reached maximum size.