Sunday, May 22, 2016

Outbreak Survival 3.0 + Legacy versions

The Outbreak Survival 3.0 update will start development soon. But the final product will be vastly different from what everyone is used to today. That is why I'm proudly introducing "Legacy Servers" for people to play on.

Legacy Servers will house older versions of Outbreak Survival, so you'll only need to grab a few friends to play on them.

The following Legacy Servers will exist and be housed under the Outbreak Survival Group:

  • Outbreak Survival 2.9
  • Outbreak Survival 2.2
  • Outbreak Survival 1.0
Each version will differ slightly, with 1.0 being the very first version with a few changes.

An update to the current 2.9 game server will occur before cementing it as a legacy server. The upcoming 2.9 update will introduce the new weapon system (without the bullet trails) and will have any outstanding bug fixes, which includes people's saves magically vanishing.

Let's go through the list one by one.

Outbreak Survival 2.9:

In this version you'll have everything that's in the current version of the game. Including some new community maps such as Safety First, Abandoned Castle and others.

In this version there will also be a vote system in the lobby to change the map rotation types. Map rotation types are as follow:
  • Normal - All standard maps
  • Event - All event maps (no drops of course)
  • EventHalloween - All maps with Halloween drops only.
  • EventWinter - All maps with Winter drops only.
  • EventEaster - All maps with Easter drops only.
  • Silly - All silly maps will be enabled (Baseplate, and hoshpup's first map), along with some other maps having a higher spawn chance (Safety First for the fails, Voltrix Base for the lava).
When an event rotation is chosen, all drops will be enabled for players to collect. Drops are enabled with 2+ players instead of the usual 8. All event shops will be added to the lobby.

Outbreak Survival 2.2:

Same coding as the current game, but will have most Zombies removed that came after 2.2 and will include all maps that came before and including PowerOut. Only the new version of PowerOut will be used. The map list should be (if I remember correctly): Oil Works, Bolt-On Town, Communal Town, Expanded XL, 75th Street, Autumn Wind, PowerOut, Toxic Spill. 

Only new versions of the maps will be used.

Outbreak Survival 1.0

While it won't truly be the old version, it will be simplified. The Zombie selection menu will be reduced to only original Zombies. Zombies will be made to be tougher (like the original) weapons will hit harder (like the original) and the old 18 items will return. (7 Basic, 6 Assault, 6 Heavy and 6 Elite items). Darkheart and Venomshank will also be buyable, however not all VIP's will be usable. Only the ones that existed all those years ago. (Up until the 2nd stage sets which were the Wizard, Marauder, Sergeant Shooter and Medic).

1.0 Didn't have armour, so it won't be added.

1.0 Maps include Communal Town and Expanded XL. But an argument could be made for 75th Street and Autumn Wind since the former was the first map in Mini Edition and the latter is similar to the first Halloween Event.

Each legacy game will have Points enabled, but you will start off with more in 2.9 to make up for the fact that data cannot be transferred between games.

Additional changes:

Currency will be buyable on most versions.

2.2 will have the old lobby.

1.0 won't have a lobby waiting system and will utilise the old item selection / buying GUI.

Some GUI's will be purposefully different. In 1.0 the menu's and interface will be simplified.

All weapons will be using the 6.0 weapon system, no matter the game version. Bullet trails or tracer rounds will be disabled on all to keep the classic look.

All Zombies will use the 3.0 morph system and click to attack tool.

It is impossible for me to transfer any data over, but the prices of items will be less (except on 2.9) than the originals.

Development on the legacy versions will start in June.

Maybe one day I'll do a "true" 1.0 server, with the old chat to switch classes, zombie's have to touch to damage instead of using a tool and the really old projectile weapons / gui's but probably not.

Extra information:

2.9 and 2.2 will both have the current weight system in-game.

1.0 will still keep the weight units and limit, however all items will cost 2 weight allowing for 10 items of any type. VIP sets that are enabled in 1.0 can only be equipped as a "set", equipping a set will add all items to your player and will cost a set amount of weight. To prevent unwanted items, VP sets may have redundant items removed (potions), since those can just be equipped from the support store.

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