Thursday, January 14, 2016

Outbreak Survival [2.6 Changes teaser]

The Outbreak Survival 2.6 update will be out soon, here are a few notable changes coming your way!

The old health bar will no longer use pips to tell how much HP you have left. Instead it will work like the old one, and scale according to the amount of health you currently have. Like the first iteration however, it will still have health and armour combined into one.

Music changes: Music will now be played from local scripts instead of from a main server one. This will reduce the amount of work on the server.

Sound changes: A few more sounds have been added to the game, with more to follow as this update and others arrive. The game has been slowly improving on this for a while, but there is still a lack of major sound and visual elements that still need to be added.

For example the Proton Collider weapon charges up while holding down the mouse button, and once released fires a powerful laser beam. This item doesn't have any sound when charging, or a satisfying laser blast once finished. In the future I hope to add more sounds to fill in the silence where there should be none.

The first wave of sounds are teleport sounds. Using a teleporter will play a new teleport sound, there are a few different types in-game. If you use the Safe Room teleporter it will sound completely different than the Wizard Tower doors.

Game code changes: The main game code has been heavily optimised, it will no longer crash at stage 0 and has the potential to restart if that ever occurs. There is also an in-game error log file that stores all major errors so I can possibly join the server and note them down.

More functions have been moved over to modules to speed up the game-flow and increase security.

Newly joined players should no longer experience the glitch where they don't get the jump debouncer, new health script and other important character scripts. Players will now be re-loaded upon clicking the Play button, so they will now always get these scripts.

Shotguns will be the first weapon type to be tested with the new 6.0 Weapon code. Shotguns will have damage falloff and damage ramp-up at certain ranges. (Varies per item). Shotguns will also weigh more, but will be more usable overall. The maximum spread will be decreased slightly, and prices will be adjusted to fit the new change.

Saving has been overhauled, applying a fix in 2.5 that stopped you losing data actually made it so some people's old data didn't load and became lost forever. The new change fixes both these issues.

Small changes: The Main Menu GUI should no longer appear while joining the game initially. This removes a small glitch where players can click "join" before they have loaded and in turn miss out on some features.

More to come in the official release patch notes.

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