Monday, January 11, 2016

Outbreak Survival: [Frosty Winter Event] [2.5] All patch notes

Patch 2.5.000: 3 New Zombie classes 8 new event weapons (+7 older ones), 5 new basic items (to be enabled in part 2 of the update), 2 event maps, new status GUI's, GUI colour revamp, present spawns, new pets, local present drops on kill, player points. Less wait time in the lobby. Improved code in various places. (More notes below).

Patch 2.5.001: Fixed Assists not working properly. Snow Chugga attack is now named correctly, class should work now. Fixed Bolt-On Town map exploit. Nerfed Brute Zombie's speed to 12 and attack to 10. Fixed basic Zombie attacks, fixed VIP items not loading. Added Presents to those that bought it and got Pumpkins.

Specifics: Drops spawn in waves of 30 up to two times per event map. You can get a present drop per kill, but you have to collect it by walking up to it. (These drop on all map with enough players). Event maps have 3x the chance to spawn each. Expanded XL, Castle Front and Halloween Realm have been removed from the map rotation.

Major changes: Faster paced games usually keep people interested for longer, so we will slowly be moving the game more towards this. We've started by making all humans visible on the map for a very short amount of time every stage change (cloaking items counteract this). Any balance issue let me know, I'm also thinking about reducing all map timers.

Minor changes: Acid Grenade now slows the user down if they are standing in the cloud. Zombies that ignore defence, actually ignore defence now. A few unlisted balance changes have been made. Hunter Instincts now activates at stage 1. Undid the auto health regen buff from the last update. Noob Sword got its swing animation back. Rank and Event currencies have been moved from the Leaderboard to the top bar.

Future changes: Part 2 of the update will include a community map, along with themed Zombies and weapons to accompany it. As well as having balance changes and any bug fixes that have been reported in this update. (As a side note, I won't be able to spend a lot of time updating or fixing the game until after the 18th December [exams]).

Patch 2.5.002: Nerfed brute, fixed shops not loading correctly.

Patch 2.5.003: Fixed some items glitches, fixed a few errors in some utility tools. Fixed freezing items.

Patch 2.5.004: Fixed autumn wind not opening the electric door, fixed builder town out of bounds area. Added teleporter to map roof above safe room. Builder town's shoot through windows are no longer walk-throughable. Builder town has warning strips all around the frozen water areas. Fixed a few event weapon bugs.

Changed the stats for the Striker and Blitz Zombies. New stats loading that won't stop you from playing if it errors. New health bar is now green, the background colour for the hexagon and nameplate is now team coloured.

Patch 2.5.005: The last patch didn't save due to Roblox studio having issues with Ctrl+S. Many item changes, slowly moving towards the "3.0" game. Increased lobby wait time by 35 seconds. Made a change to the custom sets. Re-added a few fixes to event items.

Patch 2.5.007: Fixed a few item bugs (candy cane?), fixed the new event items clipping the top bar of the Inventory, fixed the Inventory timer from going into negative numbers, changed the Bolt-On Town map boundaries a bit. Fixed Overdrive Kaboom Zombie keeping both the normal and overdrive explosion code (resulting in 40 + 30 damage, will now deal 45).

Patch 2.5.100: Changed the colour of the Points images in the Points shop (red was too harsh), changed how the Menu system works. Most of the buttons will now display above the character stats. Pressing the new menu button will open the old side menu. Admin commands GUI has now been moved to the old main menu. Menu UI has new scaling properties, which fit all device screen sizes perfectly.

Added VertexArray's Toxic Spill winter edition, enabled present drops on this map, fixed the Winter map's barricade code to work with FilteringEnabled, added new game Icon, edited a few GUI's. Un-CSG'd many CSG objects in Winter Castle. Lobby stats board now only updates per join, leave and round end. Rebalanced many Zombie attacks. Reduced a few maps timer by a minute.

Patch 2.5.101: Fixed the end round screen not displaying correctly. Fixed a few minor bugs.

Patch 2.5.102: Max health value on the stats GUI is now rounded, timer is now rounded (don't know why it was displaying .333333), heroic music auto plays below 2 minutes and with 2 or less humans (basically this can now activate at 1:30, 0:53, any time below 2:00). Fixed maps not having a divisible by 60 time limit.

Patch 2.5.103: Fixed minor bugs (hopefully the one that causes the game script to stop working). Removed many extra unneeded threads.

Patch 2.5.104: Nerfed Striker damage slightly, removed 30 threads. Improved the loading, shouldn't error as often meaning players may be able to play even if their data fails to load.

Patch 2.5.200: Added patch 2.5.104. Added Carter's winter version of PowerOut, enabled present drops in PowerOut. Save system will now only save if both your Rank and Points are not 0 (will prevent accidental datawipes), reduced Lobby size (most of it went unexplored anyway, will one day re-use as a map). Present is now redeemable.

Patch 2.5.203: Shield Zombie's shield is now CanCollide false, to compensate the shield now has 30% block up from 20%. Anti-Armour changes. Deals the same damage vs armour (8), only deals 2 damage against normal targets. New efficient Overdrive code. New experimental WalkSpeed manager (will hopefully nullify speed exploiters).

Patch 2.5.204: Fixed some items deleting your character (lol), don't use the Taco or Ninja mask unless you are on this server version.

Patch 2.5.205: Fixed some bugs: Includes staying invisible bug, anti-armour 60 damage bug, falling to your death at the end of the round, Builder Town hanging out in the Workspace.

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